

1. God of peace, be with us (cf. Rom. 15: 33).
2. God of peace, crush Satan under my feet speedily (cf. Rom. 16: 20).
3. God of peace, sanctify me in all thingsÑin spirit, soul and body (cf. 1 Thess. 5: 23).
4. Lord, bless us with peace (cf. John, 20: 21, 26).
5. Lord, fill us with wisdom, fill us with life, fill us with peace (cf. Rom. 8: 6).
6. Lord, give me peace at all times and in every way (cf. 2 Thess. 3: 16).
7. Lord, give me peace in my body, mind, and spirit.
8. Lord, give me peace in my life and family.
9. Lord, give me peace in my work and interests.
10. Lord, give me peace in your victory, give me peace in your wisdom, give me peace in your power.
11. Lord, give us faith in your commandments; give us years of life and peace (cf. Prov. 3: 1-2).
12. Lord, give us fruits of the Holy Spirit, give us peace (cf. Gal. 5: 22).
13. Lord, give your Church peace, make it walk in your spirit (cf. Acts 9: 31; Rom. 14: 19; 1 Cor. 14: 33, 2 Cor. 13: 11; Eph. 4: 3).
14. Lord, guide me on my journey peacefully.
15. Lord, guide our feet into the path of peace (cf. Luke 1: 79).
16. Lord, guide us in the way of peace.
17. Lord, guide us to do what pleases you and convert our enemies to peace (cf. Prov. 16: 7).
18. Lord, heal us and send us on in peace (cf. Luke 8: 48).
19. Lord, help me experience life beautifully, help me experience life peacefully.
20. Lord, help me to always think peacefully, act peacefully, and react peacefully.
21. Lord, help me to always think the best about each person, to always think the best towards each person, and to always think the best for each person.
22. Lord, help me to do everything peacefully.
23. Lord, help me to enjoy my blessings in peace and in freedom.
24. Lord, help me to have peace with all that is possible (cf. Rom. 12: 18).
25. Lord, help me to hold my peace in spite of all the restlessness of this world.
26. Lord, help us not to resist you, help us live in peace (cf. Job 9: 4).
27. Lord, help us spread your Gospel of peace.
28. Lord, help us to have peace with one another (cf. Mark 9: 50).
29. Lord, help us to sleep peacefully, eat and drink peacefully, work peacefully, play peacefully, pray peacefully, relate peacefully, live peacefully.
30. Lord, help us to turn from evil and do good; help us seek after peace (cf. Ps. 34: 15).
31. Lord, I am for peace (cf. Ps. 120: 7).
32. Lord, I cling to the peace your blood brought for me (cf. Col. 1: 20).
33. Lord, I submit all to you, lead me in peace, make me fruitful (cf. Job 22: 21).
34. Lord, I want your peace that is beyond all understanding (cf. Phil. 4: 7).
35. Lord, keep us from false peace (cf. Mark 10: 48; Luke 19: 40; 1 T hess. 5: 3).
36. Lord, let love and truth meet, let justice and peace kiss (cf. Ps. 85: 11).
37. Lord, let me find peace at your table.
38. Lord, let me find peace in my home.
39. Lord, let me find peace while I work.
40. Lord, let me give peace to others.
41. Lord, let me love your word, let me find peace in your word (cf. Ps. 119: 165).
42. Lord, let us find peace with your blessings to each person (cf. 1 Cor. 14: 30).
43. Lord, let us not call evils peace, nor seek peace through evils (cf. Wis. 14: 22).
44. Lord, let your church have peace, let Christians know your peace.
45. Lord, let your peace remain in me in spite of what goes on around me.
46. Lord, make me meek, make me peaceful.
47. Lord, make me merciful, make me peaceful.
48. Lord, make me peaceful with them that hate peace (cf. Ps. 120: 6-7; Heb. 12: 14).
49. Lord, make my path safe, make my ways peaceful (cf. Prov. 4: 27).
50. Lord, make us people of goodwill, people of peace (cf. Luke 2: 14DRV, 10: 6).
51. Lord, make us sowers of peace.
52. Lord, may my home be worthy of peace (cf. Matt. 10: 13).
53. Lord, may our peace be your delight (cf. Ps. 35: 27).
54. Lord, may we have peace in our thoughts, peace in our words, peace in our actions.
55. Lord, save us from those who disrupt peace.
56. Lord, show us the things that lead us to peace, give us blessings that bring us peace.
57. Lord, speak peace unto your people (Psalm 85: 9DRV).
58. Lord, teach us the conditions for peace.
59. Lord, teach us the things that are for our peace, make them clear to us (cf. Luke 19: 42).
60. Lord, teach us to give true peace to one another (cf. James 2: 16).
61. Lord, teach me to be at peace with your blessings for each person.
62. Lord, teach me to be at peace with what you do.
62. Lord, you are my peace (cf. Eph. 2: 14).