1. Bless and relieve our sufferings, Lord.
2. I cannot serve two masters, God is Lord of all (cf. Matt. 6: 24; Luke 16: 13).
3. I'm starting with the man in the mirror (pop song).
4. Jesus, may I sin less and less each day.
5. Late have I loved you! (St. Augustine of Hippo).
1. Lord, against you alone I have sinned (cf. Ps. 51: 6).
2. Lord, give us simplicity and Godly sincerity (cf. 2 Cor. 1: 12).
3. Lord, help me to make up to you for any idolatry around.
4. Lord, bless and approve my sufferings for you.
5. Lord, call me to conversion constantly.
6. Lord, continue to restore our lives.
7. Lord, do not remember the sins of my youth.
8. Lord, give me courage to resist temptations.
9. Lord, give me financial patience, financial freedom, financial peace, never let me be greedy for material things.
10. Lord, give me resilience, spiritual resilience, professional resilience, financial resilience, social resilience.
11. Lord, give me holy purity now and always.
12. Lord, give me sorrow of love.
13. Lord, give us wisdom to recognize evil calling, evil direction, evil solution, evil protection, evil sacrifice, evil command, evil ways, evil scheming, evil manipulation, evil influence . . . . Give us the wisdom to recognize evil.
14. Lord, grant us the peace of the Way of the Cross.
15. Lord, help me not to disappoint you.
16. Lord, help me root out my defects as soon as possible.
17. Lord, help me to know what offends you.
18. Lord, help me to prefer to avoid sin than to do penance for my sins.
19. Lord, help me to react to lukewarmness.
20. Lord, help me to remember there are too many sins and I should not add to them.
21. Lord, help me to resolve firmly not to sin again.
22. Lord, help me to do rightly the things I do wrongly and to stop the wrong things that I do.
23. Lord, help me to suffer to please you.
24. Lord, help us desire your mercy.
25. Lord, help us reverse what scandal has done.
26. Lord, I am sorry I am still capable of sin.
27. Lord, I offer you the frustrations of the flesh.
28. Lord, I want to be merciful as you are merciful.
29. Lord, I want to die like you did.
30. Lord, I will fight with your grace!
31. Lord, I'd rather die than to sin but I sin.
32. Lord, I'm terribly short of love.
33. Lord, keep me faithful in spite of everything.
34. Lord, keep me from sin.
35. Lord, let me be slow to condemn.
36. Lord, look not on our sin.
37. Lord, make me avoid occasions of sin.
38. Lord, make me aware of my weaknesses.
39. Lord, make me careful in avoiding disorder.
40. Lord, make me concerned that you are not offended.
41. Lord, make me constant in conversion.
42. Lord, make me courageous in examining myself.
43. Lord, make me fight sincerely against all my sins.
44. Lord, make me less a sinner each day.
45. Lord, make me merciful.
46. Lord, make me more useful to you.
47. Lord, make me recognize each and every temptation.
48. Lord, make me redeem the time I've wasted.
49. Lord, make me resolve firmly not to sin again.
50. Lord, make me see the source of my sin and flee.
51. Lord, make me truly wise in avoiding harm.
52. Lord, make my conversion quick.
53. Lord, make your power shine through my weakness.
54. Lord, may I ever be first to forgive where it is hard to forgive.
55. Lord, may I ever be first to love where it is hard to love.
56. Lord, may I hate sinful pleasure.
57. Lord, may I never be ashamed of the true cross.
58. Lord, may I never seek evil compensations.
59. Lord, may I not be as the children of Satan in any way.
60. Lord, may I prefer to suffer than to sin.
61. Lord, my Father, train me, chastise me.
62. Lord, preserve me from sin.
63. Lord, purify my prayer.
64. Lord, quench in us the flame of vice (cf. Liturgy).
65. Lord, remove the taint of ill.
66. Lord, right the wrongs in my heart, right the wrongs in my mind.
67. Lord, right the wrongs in my work, right the wrongs in my relationships.
68. Lord, right the wrongs in my prayer, right the wrongs in my piety.
69. Lord, right the wrongs in my life.
70. Lord, send me the humiliations that would make me a saint.
71. Lord, set thou a seal upon my loins.
72. Lord, set thou a seal upon my pride.
73. Lord, sorry. Sorry, Lord, sorry.
74. Lord, teach me not to forget you.
75. Lord, wash my head, my hands and feet (cf. John 13: 9).
76. Lord, wound my self-conceit.
77. Mine is to love and suffer according to God's will (cf. Acts 5: 41).
78. 'ÔO God, be merciful to me a sinner'' (Luke 18: 13).
79. Purify us, Lord, to give you our best.
80. The cross, Lord, it's my turn. Let my suffering be for your glory.
81. 'The wrath of the Lord I will endure, because I have sinned against him, Until he takes up my cause, and establishes my right' (Mic. 7: 9).
82. Unload me, Lord, that I may be free from evil calling, evil direction, evil solution, evil protection, evil sacrifice, evil command, evil ways, evil scheming, evil manipulation, evil influence . . . . Give courage to reject evil.
83. Unload me, Lord, so that I may fly to you.
84. 'When I am weak, then I am strong' (2 Cor. 12: 10).
85. With your help, Lord, we will restore what is broken: hearts, minds, spirits, bodies, and relationships.
86. With your help, Lord, we will utilize science, medicine, and technology for your glory.
87. With your help, Lord, we will uphold the freedom and dignity of every human being.
88. With your help, Lord, we will be good with your gifts.
89. With your help, Lord, we will make love our aim in all things.
90. With your help, Lord, we will overcome evils and enjoy your blessings.